Form 4: Point of View Activity

Point of View and Voice Activity

As a writer:
1.    Choose a point of view and voice card – the one which most appeals to you.
2.    Write a paragraph or two [minimum] about the scenario which is outlined, after making the 2 decisions below.
3.    Upload your composition on the blog page’s comment section.
As a commentator:
Each student must comment on at least 2 compositions by writing the point of view and the voice that the writer used.

Decision 1: Point of view – 1st or 3rd person?
1st person: Choose to write in the 1st person [I ----> I laughed, I smiled] – so that we can see events from the main character’s point of view. This is a 1st person narrator – who could write a diary entry, a letter to someone or who could describe events.


3rd person: Choose to write in the 3rd person [He, she, they ----> he laughed, she jumped, they ran] – so that we see events as the 3rd person narrator tells them. Sometimes the narrator describes to us what characters are thinking and feeling [omniscient narrator – can see EVERYTHING], sometimes not.

Decision 2: Voice – funny, angry, scared?
Choose your narrator’s voice: Is your narrator funny? Action-oriented [building a fast paced, exciting story]? Reflective [giving thoughtful opinions]? Formal [uses very formal, literary words]? Friendship or family-oriented [focuses on relationships]? Fair [focuses on justice]? Or a bit of a mixture? There are many other voices you can choose...


Card 1
Character wins $2000 – it has to be spent in one day. What happens?
POV: Ist or 3rd person
Voice: Funny, action-oriented, reflective, formal, friendship or family-oriented, fair OR a voice of your own choice...

Card 2
Spaceship lands in the school yard, aliens get out. What happens?
POV: Ist or 3rd person [human or alien POV]
Voice: Funny, action-oriented, reflective, formal, friendship or family-oriented, fair OR a voice of your own choice...

Card 3
The children of Israel and Moses are standing in front of the Red Sea. What happens?
POV: Ist or 3rd person
Voice: Funny, action-oriented, reflective, formal, friendship or family-oriented, fair OR a voice of your own choice...

Card 4
Identical twins swap places for a day to trick their teachers and friends. What happens?
POV: Ist or 3rd person
Voice: Funny, action-oriented, reflective, formal, friendship or family-oriented, fair OR a voice of your own choice...

Most information is courtesy of: "Fiction with a Twist"


  1. The galactic time is 13:46 I have just landed on the planet known as Earth. I rise from my seat as I check around my spacecraft. The whirring and beeping noises don't deter me from reaching the control panel and pressing the button required to open my equipment locker and take my landing gear. I quickly throw it on and say the required phrase to open my space ship and make my descent into Earth.WHY ARE THEY STARING AT ME?! Personally I believe that this planet has some of the most strangest customs I have ever experienced. All they do is stare with their mouths open as if they unhinged their jaws and they look absolutely horrid. One is tall, one is short, one is brown, one is darker or lighter and not to mention some of them look as if they were born just yesterday, they're like 5-feet tall! Some of them are even bloated like space fish while others are tall and skinny like a stick. I breathe a sigh of disappointment and recite a greeting towards them.
    The language that they speak is foreign to me. It sounds like a mismatched mosh pit of Klingon, Central Alien and Kreebop and it was wreaking havoc on the sensitivity of my martian eardrums. after listening to them speak horrible language I quickly hold up a sign of silence as I turn around and wave goodbye while walking back into my spaceship. I hate Earth. I quickly start the launch sequence, strap in, then initiate the countdown. I hate Earth. The ship gives loud whirring noise as it lifts into the air, turns towards the atmosphere and rockets away with a loud bang. I HATE EARTH.

  2. I woke up on bright sunny Saturday morning feeling well rested and thought to myself maybe its my lucky day so I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up myself and soon after headed of to the corner store.When i arrived I took up two lottery tickets and purchased them at the casheir,because I was feeling so lucky I decided to scratch the ticket.With a huge surprise I gasped and said I won 2000 dollars I jumped with excitment and ran home.When I arrived home i called my wife and told her the good news .She told me wait until she came home from work to do anything with the money.
    As i waited for hours she finally arrived,she asked me where is the money so i took it out and showed her and asked her what are we going to do with the money,so she suggested that go on a date to a expensive resturant hesitently i agreed .As the minutes went by we started to get ready for our date,then we were finally ready .We arrived at the resturant minutes later and got to our table and had a seat .The waiter came and informed us that we would have to pay to sit at the table ,when we were finally settled I told my wife to order anything she desired, she ordered two fragrantly sauted mushroom delight lemon fish with peppered italian garden grown rice and I orderd pasta.when it was time to leave and the bill came i realized it came up to 2050 dollars,suprised I gasped but evidently I had to pay the bill.I couldnt belive it all the money I won had been spent in a day

  3. I have just landed on this planet called Earth according to my galactic calculations and the time was 12:55pm on this estranged planet. I quickly strapped myself with lazer guns and plutonic equipments, then I stepped outside and their gravity was ten times harder than on my home world not to mention the weird looking creatures that were staring at me they were hideous!. some were the colour of the bluglorb cake on my planet! white and pale then they were others that were dark as night,hair flowing like gallatic noodles, I was absolutely disgusted with the way these creatues looked and smell. I went back on my ship checked the gallatic calculations and off to my next planet, next stop planet gohan it is!!!.

    1. Point of view -1st person
      Voice- funny

    2. Point of view-1st person
      Voice -funny and adventurous

    3. Point of view : 1st person
      Voice : funny
      By : Marvel Watkins

    4. Point of view: 1st person

    5. Point of view: 1st person

      Voice: funny

    6. Point of view: 1st person

      Voice: Funny

    7. P.O.V:1st preson
      Voice:funny and adventurous

    8. Point of view: 1st person
      Voice: funny

    9. Point of veiw: first person
      Voice: funny

  4. We have travelled for many years escaping the evil, wicked king Pharaoh of Egypt and before I could give a calm sigh of relief " whooooooooo" I looked and saw a large body of water staring right in our faces. Everyone surrounding me started to panick. "We are going to die!!!!". One shouts right behind of me . Someone pops up "WE are NOT going to survive!!!!". In my mind I was like " Look at them they don't remember that God brought us out and I'm positive he is going to help us".
    Then when I looked up I saw our leader, Moses, move to this gigantic rock with his stick in His hand touching the water. After that the big body of water push itself back like a book turning it's pages. I was shock but also happy that God has answered my prayer. Then I heard screaming and my hopes actually started to fade when I turn around and see those wicked, well armed soldiers and Pharoah coming to meet us but when they were half way "SWOSH " the water claps on them covering them over. Everyone started to clap and sing giving God glory and praise.

  5. **BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!**, "mayday!, mayday! our engines are failing, call for action, head for the first world in clear sight!", I yelled to my squad rather violently as we rumbled back and forth in the dangers of space. "Targeted world acquired Sir, heading for it in 6.35 seconds", yelled the pilot through gritted teeth, "this is it!, I can see the light!!!", I yelled as we hurdled with speed beyond belief towards this foreign land, where possible dangers and unspoken creatures could be lurking about. "We should hit in 5,4,3,2....BRACE YOUR SELVES!!!!", **BOOM!!**, the crash was loud, breath stealing and gut wrenching as we continuously twirled in mid-air, bouncing up and down like a vim ball , until finally we stood still next to this building. "! did anybody die?, did I die?, I'm dead aren't I?" I said rather seriously, but others found hysterical, "we're fine sir" said my second in command. "Is the navigation system still working?,find out where we are ASAP", I said retaining my leadership stance. Looking out of the window I caught movement, which lead me to believe that danger was near. Not in the mood for conflict I decided to consult with my squad to leave the ship and inform these creatures that we come in peace. With two squad members closely behind me we slowly disembark the ship, when we realized a few things, this planet only had one fire sphere floating in the sky but it is ten times hotter than our home planet, and there are dozens of strange creatures of different colours and sizes gathering and staring at the ship all clothed in the same identical covering. "what strange place have I landed on", I said to my self, "we come in peace!", I shouted "and if someone could direct me to the nearest space station, we'll have our repairs done and be on our way". There was a long pause of deafening silence, when all of a sudden these creatures started to shout, scream, and run in all different directions. "what did I say?" I asked puzzled. "Seamore!" I shouted to my second in command, " has someone fixed the navigation system yet? where are we?!, what language do these creatures speak?", suddenly there is a shower of glass and plastic objects filled with fluids raining over our heads. Running back into the ship we seal the door behind us, "I can see this is going to be a long season of hours before we are back on our home planet", I said to my crew as I sat and pondered, "what next?".

    1. Point of view- 1st person
      Voice- funny, action oriented

    2. Point of view : 1st person
      Voice : action and funny

    3. Point of view : 1st person
      Voice : action and funny

    4. point of view : 1st person
      voice : action-oriented and funny

    5. Point of view: 1st person

      Voice: funny and action oriented

    6. Point of view: 1st person
      Voice : action oriented

    7. Point of view: 1st person

      Voice: Funny,filled with action and adventure

    8. P.O.V: 1st person
      Voice: funny and action oriented

  6. We had a plan to swap places for a day at school to trick our teachers and friends. I was into sports and my twin was into fashion. This particular morning we got up deciding to trade places. I had to wear my twins clothes, she picked out a pleated skirt with a matching top, matching heel and accessories. My twin wore a sport pants, T-shirt and tennis with her hair in a pony tail like I usually would do. Upon leaving the house our parents didn't even realize it was us. My sister boyfriend picked us up every morning, so we decide not to tell him either but to see how good we were at fooling him cause he knew my sister very well. He greeted us, and gave me a kiss on the lips, I was struck in shock, my sister face turned pale, like she wanted to scream out, by she graciously kept in it. At school, my best friend went to my sister and hugged her, and my sister friends from the sports team, greeted me. In class, my teacher didn't even know the difference. I suddenly remembered it was the day of our tournament for soccer, so my sister had to go as me. She knew nothing about sports, so I knew we were "screwed ". At the tournament, "she was trampled" and "pushed", by half-time it was awful, I had to step in the game and take-over, so I called my sister aside and we switched places. The day ended, and we were successful cause no one knew the difference. We were great !.

    1. Point of view-1st person
      Voice -funny and mischievous

    2. Point of view 1st person
      Voice- funny and adventurous

  7. "Let's switch for a day" my twin sister smirked as her brown eyes sparkle with a devilish smirk i would never fit in as my sister never she was fashion girl i was the gamer how would i fit in as her but i still went on with it just for fun. I looked at my sister as she changed into a graphic t-shirt with the words "Come to the game side" with old fashion game boy on it with a black jeans and black and white Nike sneakers i sighed to myself as i saw the outfit my sister laid out for me a white crop top with shows my back and blue peek-a-boo style skirt which only showed my left leg peeking out with a black sandals. After getting dressed lightly put on makeup and ran outside trying to avoid my mom and dad my sister was already inside the corral we shared i hop in as she turn the key and started the car and slowly reversed out of the drive way i let out a sigh "chickening out little sissy?" she smirked as she drives "never" as boast as i sound i was shaking inside. We pulled up into the school's parking lot and step out there was my sister's best friend "EL" i stood in shock and walked to her trying to smile 'h-hi?" she did not say a word and she quickly garb my hand and we entered social studies I hated that subject and they had a test I was lost I did not do even know anything on the paper. After social studies there was English Maths and Biology how am i going to get though this day i thought to myself. The cafeteria the place i where fit in i walk towards my sister's "crew" slide inside the chair and looked at my lunch peanut i hate peanut i knew she picked this i looked over to my table my sister was having fun with my crush. I sigh maybe i should give up no one knows the difference not even my own crush I got up and walked over to my sister she smirked and got up we exited the cafeteria "listen you win i guess i will tell him" she smirked "to late he already knows we should do this more often" she walked away saying did i just a different side to my twin sister? After the little chat with my sister i was back to my normal self and no one knew the difference

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    2. Point of view :first person
      Voice:worried and scared

  8. It was a windy afternoon at the Grace Crescent Elementary school. All the children were playing on the playground like any normal day. Suzie was just about to go down the slide, then all of a sudden there was a strange noise coming from the sky. She then looked up and the her surprise she saw a tiny object descending the sky, which looked like a mini spaceship. "Guuuuuyyyss look can u see it to?" ,Suzie asked pointing at the object. The other children looked up in amazement at the little object. "Oh my goodness ! We have landed our ship in the land of the giants; they are all staring at us. We need to get fuel and get out of her asap", said the little alien in the passenger seat. "Well we need to step out and have a word with them. Maybe they will assist us in fueling our ship.", the driver replied. The children stood around the spaceship waiting to seethe tiny creatures that would exit. The two little aliens stepped out of the aircraft. Theses creatures are so ugly and deformed the little aliens thought to themselves. "Hello you strange gigantic creatures", the driver said while observing the things surrounding him. "We were traveling through space to go on a mission, but our ship was running low on gas, so we had no choice but to land on your deranged grounds" the passenger remarked. The children stood watching the weird looking creatures. In fear of what would come next a little boy stuttered his question, "S..S..Sir if we offer you some fuel will you leave our planet without harming us?" He hoped they accepted his fuel and left because he heard stories of these creatures and they never ended well. "Of course well thank you" replied the driver. Relieved, the then ran to the supply closet for some fuel and handed it to the strange creatures who thanked him, then took off to their new destination. The children then ran off to their various classes to tell their friends about their experience with the aliens.

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  10. Today, my identical twin kimsha and I chose to swap places, at first it hilarious to fool teachers and classmates, even though she is much hairier that I am they still seem not to tell the difference. As the day went by the fun seem to grow stale as i was punished for offenses I did not commit, I tried to explain to them who I really was, but instead of believing me they laughed and penalized me to a greater extent for lieing. What was planned to be a hilarious day turned out to be horrible disaster!!!

  11. point of view :1st person
    voice: funny and adventurous

    1. Point of view :first person
      Voice:adventure oriented

  12. My spaceship had just made an abrupt stop in the place that they call earth. Earth, what a peculiar place! Before coming out of the spacecraft I checked my moon reflectors for my astounding image.Green,fat and leaking blue acid.Perfect! I rushed out of the spacecraft to see the disturbing creatures roaming around.It seemed I had landed in a strange place with huge buildings. I think our ancestors called it school?.The vile creatures were absolutely horrid to look at.Smooth skin,Slender bodies and things dangling from their bodies almost like tentacles but strange looking.I made sure to stay a distance away so they couldn't see me.As I observed them my head started to hurt.They were repulsive and nauseating .I disgustedly turned away and made my way back to the spacecraft to travel back to my planet. My safe haven and my home.

  13. My family and I along with family and friends were running from Egypt.We came across a large body of water called the Red Sea. Our minds were filled with dought and fear.I saw My parents and friends parents praying with Moses in a quite area. Soon after the pray we could hear the tramps of horses and the shouts of angry men coming in the distance. We the people of God forgot that "God is our refuge and strength...." so we started to complain and argue with Moses. Moses being a man of God. Was calm as a lamb. He went to pray by himself a while after he appeared and said God made a way. He place the stick which he had in his hand to the sky and the waters moved apartwe crossed to the other side and as the last person for God passed the waters came back together trapping the army on the other side and those who tried to follow drowned. We were all excited to see what God had done and so we rejoiced and praised God.

  14. It was 6:00 am, April 1. We were waiting for this day to come for long time. YES IT WAS APRIL FOOLS DAY! We had been planning to play this prank for the whole week. Now its finally here! We hurriedly freshened up and ate breakfast then we had to literally push ourselves out the door. 10 minutes later we arrived at school and placed the plan into action. Our plan was to switch places for the day. We were in two different classes separated by a grade. We started the plan. "Amanda ?", the teacher called while marking the records. I didn't answer. "Amanda ?", she called again. I still didn't answer and she moved on. When she was completed with the list of names, she called again "Amanda? is she here?". Everyone pointed to the back of the class to where I was sitting and I loudly said that i wasn't Amanda. The teacher and the rest of the class laughed. Then the teacher asked me "who are you then?". I quickly responded and said "my name begins with an 'A' but my name isn't Amanda".The teacher stood from her chair and looked me in the eye, then she said sternly "you are Amanda!". I looked up to her with a grin and told her again that I wasn't Amanda. Suddenly a head popped up in our classroom doorway. It was Amanda. The teacher spun around fast on her heels, nearly tipping over. She spun so fast that we thought it was a world wind. The real Amanda then waved her hand at me saying "hi, Angela", I waved back my hand and. "Hey, Amanda!", i said making sure to put emphasis on her name. The teacher looked at us both and smiled. We then shouted simultaneously "April Fools!".

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  17. They are identical twins and their names are jenique and jeniqua. One day they both came up with a plan to switch places for a day at school to trick their teachers amd friends. To go about doing so the twins had to decide how they were going to pull off this plan. Although the twins were identical,  they had very different taste in fashion and personalities. Because of this it was easy for teachers to distinguish who was who. Jenique was more of a party girl and enjoyed wearing tight outfits that showed her figure while Jeniqua was more into her books and preferred loose, floral clothing. Jeniqua suggested that they both switch outfits for the day to carry out their plan. Jenique agreed, although she cringed at the idea to wear floral loose clothing, this plan was sure to work. When they got to the school, dressed as each other of course,  they proceeded to put their plan in motion. Jenique went to all of Jeniqua's classes and Jeniqua went to all of jenique's classes
    They managed to fool their various teachers.  However at lunch when they met with their friends, they werent as successful.  Their friends knew them so well that they could tell that something wasn't right. One of their friends decided to ask them why they were wearing each other's clothes. Hesitantly Jeniqua told them that they were mistaken and that they weren't wearing each others clothes. However the friend did not buy it and consistently questioned the twins. Finally the twins revealed that it was a prank. The friends all laughed after hearing their plan and how they managed to fool their teachers.  Although it didn't work out as planned, the twins agree that it was still a good prank.

  18. One morning in Jaeden's house he and his twin brother jaden planed a scheme to trick their parnets, teachers and friends about who they were. Jaeden was not so interested in popularity but his brother jaden did so he had to pretened that he loved it as much as jaeden did, also jaden had to invisable and interlligent as he was.
    It would be hard for both of them to convince all their frieends, parents and thier teachers. As tthey went down the staris and pass their parnets neither of them noticed the difference.
    The y went to school thinking that that their freinds would find out what they did not, instead Jeaden's friends went out to jeaden and his friends went to him. Finally they went to class and jeaden could not surive or stand the pressure and Jeaden friends found out right away so they went back being them selves. In the end they learned an important lesson, trying to tick people wasn't as cool as it seem.

  19. The field suddenly filled with dust,and a space ship landed in the middle of the school field.I was so shocked.An ALIEN ship is on earth.I saw I 7 foot 5 inches alien step out of the ship with his lime green skin.His lips were as red as a cherry and he had no eyebrows.As I finished inspecting the creature I noticed that he had more than several antennas that he used for his nose,ears,fingers and toes.
    It did not turn out to be a total disaster as I thought.I named him Justice.He invited me into his ship.Justice's ship is amazing and huge.I went down the water slide and dived into the beach.I then went into the pool and saw a lounge so I went and played some games.I was tempted to watch a movie so I went into the theater and watched No Good Deed.I eventually got lost but found myself in his bathroom that has three showers,toilets and sinks.Fire started to blaze out of the gas tank because the ship was over heating due to all the different sections running at one time.The ship started to get hot so i asked if I could lay down on the bed in the guest room he said okay then I asked for some refreshments.Justice brought me a Zalien egg that had a thick yellow substance oozing out of it and a glass full of white slime.I hesitated at first but then I tasted it. All of a sudden my head started to feel light and the next ting I remembered I woke up in the hospital.

  20. I did it!I won the grand prize,two thousand dollars.I always wanted to have my own money and now I do,but to keep it I must spend all of it today!Today!So off to the mall I go.There is so much to get clothes,shoes,bags.The fashion bag just bit me.Oh,but need snacks too. Fun time! And I need a new phone too.Now let me see what type I can get,but not for to much money because I must get my clothes and snacks.Oh no, time is running out and the mall is closing,and still have money.I will buy all the KFC that all my money can buy.Now I finish spending all my money today was the best day ever!

  21. Today I won $2000 with luck from the lottery. I was so happy but there was a catch I had to spend it in a day. I started to think about what I could do. First I called my friends Ashworth and Kadin after hearing the situation we stayed to come up with ideas on what we could do. The ideas we came up with were plentiful so we stayed to act upon them. First we rented a porche 911 Turbo S Cabriolet for $500, and then we went and bought some new clothes which came up to $550. After which we went to the finest restaurant where a full course lunch would cost us $400, then after lunch we went to a basketball game and tickets for court-side seats cost $60 each. After the game we rented a house for $100 and we threw the best house party with the rest of the money which was $270. When we woke up the next morning we realized we passed out we got to cleaning and tidied up the place and carried back the porche we rented truly it was one of the best days of our lives.

  22. Wow!!! Today is my lucky day. The ticket i bought from the shop this morning is a winning ticket with the grand prize, worth a sum of money $2000.I was so excited when i scratch the darkness off the back of the card and see the winning numbers (12 2 23 10 09). I said to my self what am i going to do with $2000? The lady at the desk said to me I have to spend it all out before tomorrow. Amasingly i rushed for the door, i went to the supermarket bought $400 worth goods, 500 worth clothes, and i put $300 in the side of my wallet for my tithes.My sister borrowed $600 from me for medical uses. I did some calculations, Wait! i still have $200 on me so i rushed to the bank and opened myself a new bank account. Now i am Finish spending my prize, today was one of the most luckiest day of my life.

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  26. ''Children is break time so you an go outside and play'' said Mrs.Joseph. "yay!!!" everyone shouted as they went outside, Susan shouted "everybody look up there something falling out of the sky" as the object came closer and closer every one was frightened Boom!! it crashed every one went to see what it was "is a spaceship" Susan shouted, suddenly they heard a sound coming from inside the spaceship pshh the spaceship open and a alien came out everyone ran for safety "i come in peace" shouted the alien.
    The children came out from where they were hiding "are you going to hurt us?" ask Susan "no" replied the alien i was going to a different planet to visit my family but i had some miner engine failure so i had to crash land at the nearest planet "will you help me fix my ship?" ask the alien sure why not said the student moments after the spaceship was fix and the alien could go and visit his family again.


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