Monday 20 October 2014

The Five-Paragraph Essay

Sometimes when we are asked to write essays, we look like this...

"I wonder what I'll be having for lunch today?"

Or this...


However, if we really knew the purpose for writing essays, we would always look like this...

and this...

...because essays are not torture devices invented by teachers; instead, when you have something to say and you are asked to write it, understand that:

"An  essay is an explanation, not just of what you think, but why you think it."

-       The what is usually given in the form of a writing prompt which will reveal the topic you will write on.

-       The why comprises of many types of support that you will use to develop your topic (the what).


If a paragraph is a juicy veggie burger...
Then a....

 Five-Paragraph Essay

must be a "tripple" whopper!!! (Yes, still veggie)

...and when you break the concept down, this is what you will need to do/have:
So do not be afraid anymore!

"...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." 

John 14:27

When it comes to essay writing (Expository/Persuasive)

remember ...

Please leave a question or comment below.


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