Short Story Writing Tips:The Basics

  1.              The Writing Prompt/Stimulus

Picture stimulus: 
Always give a short description of what is portrayed in the     
photo given.

For example:

“All his strength seemed to be sapped away by an unseen force and he lowered his tired form to the grassy ground.  Cradling his legs to his chest, he rocked back and forth, trying to draw some comfort from the soothing movement. ” 
(Best Story, CXC 2004)

Worded stimulus: Always reproduce the sentence(s) as they are given on the question paper. No additions (transitions or sentences), adjustments(changing present to past tense or 1st to 3rd person P.O.V.) or subtractions(leaving out words or entire sentences ) should be made.

For Example:

CSEC Prompt: Some people never give up.  They keep going on and on.”  Write a story beginning with these words.

ýBad example:  Some people never give up. That is what my mother always told me. She keeps going on and on until she reaches her goals.

þGood example:Some people never give up.  They keep going on and on and on.  People of this calibre have forged themselves a place in history’s archives, boys, and if you live up to the challenge, so will you.  Do your country proud.” The words of the arrogantly confident field commander whistled through his ears as a landmine exploded behind him. 
(Best Story, CXC 2003)

N.B. Quotation marks are sometimes used top separate the instructions from the actual stimulus. This does not mean you have to use the sentence(s) with the quote marks UNLESS it is clearly presented in a conversation.

2. The Title of YOUR Story

If you were the one who "made up" your title for your story, then:

        a) make it catchy and memorable

        b) place it at the top, centre of your page (skip one line after to             begin your composition)

        c) do not underline it

        d) do not place it in quotation marks

        e) do not forget to write it

3. The Question Number

At the top of your exam paper, you are required to write the question number for the prompt that you chose on all the pages you will be writing. It is important for you to always put the correct number for the question/prompt chosen.

Instructions as will be seen on the CSEC paper:


Write your answer to this question you have chosen to answer in Section C here.
Remember to write your question number in the box provided below.
Question No.¨


4. The Word Count

     The word count for the short story is estimated and thus requires      a little mathematics. However, the calculation is quite simple:    

Number of words in line one multiplied by the number of lines counted down. 

The word count/ word limit for short stories (and descriptions) is 400 – 450 words. Therefore:

   45 lines down      OR
       56 lines down    OR
        80 lines down          
  x10 words in line 1
      x 8 words in line 1
       x 5 words in line 1
  450 words
     448 words
      400 words


5. Paragraphing

    In a short story, make a NEW PARAGRAPH for the following:
1.                New Time (setting)
2.                New Place (setting)
3.                New Speaker
4.                Action That Serves As Part of the Dialogue
5.                Dramatic Effect

For more information(details and examples), click the link below:


6. Writer's Block?

Question: Ever in the middle of writing, don't have enough                                words and don't know what to do? 
Answer:   Just Describe!

In your story, insert a vivid description paragraph of no more           that 4 or 5 sentences that will help to provide more words and         develop the plot further. 

Remember, counter act writer's block by describing:

 i. the main character (physical features and personality traits)

ii. the setting (time ; place ; mood/atmosphere )

It really helps!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Mrs. George. Your posts are most helpful.

  3. My apologies for the late response, but you are all welcome :)

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