Tuesday 7 October 2014

Reading Comprehension (Review)

How to Answer Reading Comprehensions

STEP I – Read the questions first and make sure you understand                     what they are asking.

STEP II – Analyse the passage to make sure you understand what it is saying. Use context clues:

STEP III – Make sure your answer frame is the correct format:

 ü      Short answer questions
1.      Complete sentences (continuous prose)
2.      Put in quotation marks (“ ”) OR paraphrase        (own words)

 ü      Multiple Choice
1.   Use the process of elimination to:

· Cross out the two options that  have nothing to do with the       answer
·     Cross out the distractor

2.   Circle on your question sheet OR write on your answer sheet the correct letter (a, b, c or d) that represents the answer.

STEP IV – Skip a line between responses (they will look neater)


    Compilation and notes done by: Mrs M. George


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