Friday 9 October 2015

The Argument

Did you know that God argues with us?

Look and see for yourself...

Theme text: Isaiah 1:18 (KJV)

"Come now, and let us reason (a two-sided discourse/ debate/ argument) together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet (Your argument why you don't deserve His salvation), they shall be as white as snow(His argument why He will save you)..."

Wait, a minute...Are you sure you know what an argument is?

Pre -Lesson Vocabulary:

Premisea statement that an argument claims will justify a conclusion. In other words: a premise is an assumption that something is true.

 For example: Uniforms at the S.D.A. Secondary School should be outlawed because they do not allow for self expression

Make notes of the following definition and explanation of
 an argument in this video below:


To summarize:

What it is NOT

What it IS

       1.       It is NOT a statement of fact 
       2.       It is NOT something two people have; NOT  a quarrel

       1.       It is HAS a premise that must be proven
       2.       It IS something one person presents; a discourse or debate

What makes up an argument?

Again, make notes of the explanation given in the following video for the parts of an argument:

To summarize:

You may consider the following equation to help you remember the basic parts of an argument:

Argument equation:

  reasons    +     evidence    +     conclusion     =     argument

reasons: your premise/ claim  
evidence: your proof/ support           
drawn conclusion: result of your reason and evidence


  1. The instructions that were written on the board stated that we were to complete an activity in our notebooks. I'm not seeing the activity that is to be completed. ~Ariana~

    1. That is because you are looking at the wrong page. Form 5 's assignment is "The Persuasive Speech" under individual classes.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The information was very clear wrote them down in my book... Still did not find the fallacy in the first video thank- you

  4. Thank you for this useful information


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